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1/2 Get a Professional Website

This service includes:

  • Mobile-responsive WordPress website, with up to 5 pages (for example: Homepage, Services, About us, Testemonials, Contact).
  • Blog section of the website (can be one or more pages, based on the type of content you want to share).
  • Essential WordPress plugins setup (like SEO, Security and Backup).
  • An hour of training on the usage of WordPress.
  • Plus any additional feature selected (e-commerce, e-learning and/or membership).
  • If needed, assisting you with the domain and hosting setup.

What's not included:

  • Graphic design/logo, photos or content for your website - you need to provide it.
  • Ongoing maintenance and support for your website - that's a service I provide for additional yearly cost.

You might be wondering why my prices are lower than most?

My primary goal is to build long-term collaboration with my clients. That relationship has more value than a one-time payment. It's a stepping stone towards mutual success, built on trust and respect.

That's why I structured my service as two-piece offer (don't worry - you can choose to buy just one). The fact is that successful small business website doesn't happen instantly - it takes time and dedication. This is where the second piece of my offer fits in.

2/2 Expert Website Support (for 1 year)

This service includes:

  • Weekly site health check-in (uptime and errors).
  • Website updates (WordPress core and plugins).
  • Weekly backups of entire website (database included).
  • Weekly report on website performance - based on Google Analytics & Search performance, and user interactions (including heatmaps and session recordings).
  • Weekly briefing (30-minute video/audio call) - to discuss further improvements to the website.
  • Up to 4 tickets per month (equal to 4 hours of hands-on work on your website) - adding/modifying features, or fixing errors.
  • Support via email (available Monday-Friday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, and 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Central European Time Zone).

What's not included:

  • 24/7 support (outside the days and hours mentioned above). During that time you will have to rely on the default support of your hosting provider. Don't worry - my ongoing support is designed to prevent most problems in advance.
  • Social media management/marketing. While I can advise you on your social media strategy (about organic growth and direct outreach), I don't provide ongoing management of your social media accounts.

That's only 81 € per month.

Have you ever dealt with a customer service of a hosting provider?

It's either basic and frustrating, or it costs multiple times higher than my ongoing support service. I offer proactive approach, that includes more than just technical maintenance of your existing website. It includes continuous development of the code and the content (marketing), towards set business goals. You deserve a small business website that increases your profits.

If you have any additional questions before deciding to buy my services - schedule a free consultation with me (no strings attached).