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Is your small business in need of a website that increases your profits, not headaches?

Boy confused while trying to figure out how to start building a small business website
Boy overwhelmed with all of the small business webiste options

Do you feel confused or overwhelmed while trying to figure out how to build or manage a small business website by yourself?

Don't waste more time and energy - get a professional to help you build and manage your small business website in an affordable way, with the least stress possible.

Boy talking over the headphones with a small business website professional, feeling excited.
Title for the section about the small business website building process.

1. Schedule a free call with me

Laptop screen with a phone icon visible, for a call to start the journey of building the small business website.

This is an introductory 30-minute call, where we discuss your business goals and ways to achieve them, as well as the website budget and timeline.

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2. Get a detailed project proposal

A detailed plan of the small business website building process.

Once we agree about the business goals, website timeline and budget, project proposal will be sent for your review. It lists in detail, all of the steps in the development of your small business website (building and support phases).

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3. Get a useful website & support

Small business website finished, presentend on a laptop screen.

- Website mockup/wireframe will be sent for your review first, and then a completed website for the final review.
- You are expected to provide all of the content (text, images etc.).
- When the website is finished, we move into the phase of ongoing support and continuous development.

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Don't miss the opportunity to have a website that stands out, and is easy to manage!

Businessman satisfied with his small business website, sitting in front of the laptop screen.
Two businessmen handshaking about small business website.

Successful small business website doesn't happen overnight! It requires our continuous collaboration. Check out the About Me and my Services/Pricing pages, to get to know me a bit better.