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Why should you choose to work with me?
(About me)

It's understandable that you could feel anxious about the decision, to give your trust to someone you don't know yet. Especially when it comes to a long-term commitment like website building and maintenance. Here are 5 things about me and my approach to work, that will show if I'm a good fit for your small business:

Nobody knows your struggles like another small business owner. (Small business website expert quote)

1/5 Like you, I'm also a small business owner. That's why I know the struggles of multitasking in your daily life - from the different hats you need to wear at work, to an equally complicated personal life. It's completely different to be working on your own or with just few people, than to have a dozen of others at your disposal that could take on any needed role.

2/5 You can expect to be working with me one-on-one, from start to finish. You won't be treated like a number in a queue, or delegated to other team members (since I'm a team of one). Don't worry, I never take more clients than I can handle. Each of my clients gets a reserved amount of time during a work week. I don't take new projects before everything is done for existing clients.

Don't be treated like just one more client in a queue! (Small business website expert quote)
Get more than a website - get a solution! (Small business website expert quote)

3/5 My approach to building a small business website is holistic - every action is taken with both technical and business side in mind. While I'm proud to say that I'm a coder, I don't just create a website - I help you achieve desired business goals. Just have in mind that a successful website doesn't happen overnight. It takes continuous work and collaboration between us.

4/5 Every decision made is based on data (collected on your website, and from scientific research on user behavior). Even though there can never be enough data, and each piece of it should be analyzed carefully - it's always better to make informed decisions, than blind guesses. The data collected on your small business website is your ownership, and you can check it freely whenever needed.

Don't make blind guesses, make informed decisions instead. (Small business website expert quote)
You should never be locked in, just because it's too costly to make any change! (Small business website expert quote)

5/5 You're always free to go and take your small business website elsewhere, at no additional cost. Since I prefer to use open-source solutions, you're never locked in. There are many proprietary platforms that seem simple to get started. But once something more custom is needed, it becomes costly to either stay or leave. You should never be forced to start from scratch if we part our ways.

Some of my recent work

E-commerce website for a small honey producer (my original design):

EcoHoney - E-commerce Website
Ecommerce website
Nonprofit website

Website for a nonprofit, with an online store section (my original design):

Eco-Guardians - Nonprofit Website

If anything you've just read rings true, feel free to schedule a free consultation (no strings attached). And if you need to see who you'll be working with, hover over the picture below to reveal my unfiltered face photo. By the way - my name is Ivan Maljukanović:

Why choose me (my filtered photo)
Why choose me (my unfiltered photo)

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